Process Magic : Command-line Tool to Hide Windows Application or Launch New Process in Hidden Mode
Process Magic
See Also
Process Magic is the command-line tool to Hide any Windows application or launch new application in Hidden or Invisible mode.

In addition to hiding any Windows process, it also allows you to Unhide any previously Hidden application.

Note that it hides the application by hiding its main window. So it will be seen in Task Manager or any process listing tools.

It will be ideal when you want to hide your application from other users to prevent it from being killed or just run a process in the background silently.

Being command-line tool makes it easy to use in your automation scripts and also suitable to operate on other systems remotely.

It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

How to use?
Process Magic is very easy to use tool. It is command-line/console based tool, hence you have to launch it from the command prompt (cmd.exe).

Here is the simple usage information
ProcessMagic.exe [-h <pid> | <pname>] [-u <pid> | <pname>] [-n <process_file_path>]
Examples of Process Magic
//Hide the Process with pid 1151
ProcessMagic.exe -h 1151
//Hide the Process with name notepad.exe
ProcessMagic.exe -h notepad.exe
//Unhide the Process with pid 1151
ProcessMagic.exe -u 1151
//Unhide the Process with name notepad.exe
ProcessMagic.exe -u notepad.exe
//Launch the Calc.exe process in Hidden/Invisible mode
ProcessMagic.exe -n "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe"
//Show this help screen
ProcessMagic.exe -?
Examples of Process Magic hiding the Internet Explorer process as well as launching new process (calculator) in Hidden mode.
ProcessMagic in Action
Release History
Version 2.0:  28th Aug 2013
Support for specifying the Process Name in addition to Process ID while hiding or unhiding the process.
Version 1.0:  3rd June 2013
First public release of Process Magic.
FREE Download Process Magic v2.0

License  : Freeware
Platform : Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8

See Also