Hide Computer : Command-line Tool to Hide Your Computer on Network
Hide Computer
See Also
Hide Computer is the free command-line tool quickly Hide or unhide your computer on the Network.

This tool will allow you to hide your system from Network Neighborhood and other browsing tools. However your friend who knows the shared file name, will be able to access it.

HideComputer in Action

It automatically checks for the current Hidden status of your computer and accordingly hide or unhide it.

Note that you will have to restart the system for changes to take effect. Also it may take an hour or two for it to be effective across the network.

Being a command-line tool makes it easy to use on remote systems and also automate through scripts.

It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

How to use?
Hide Computer is very easy to use tool. Since it is command-line/console based tool, you have to launch it from the command prompt (cmd.exe).

Here is the simple usage information
HideComputer [1 | 0 | -s | -h]
// Hide Your Computer on the Network
HideComputer.exe 1
// Unhide Your Computer on the Network
HideComputer.exe 0
//Show Current Status of Your Computer's Visibility
HideComputer.exe -s
//Show this help screen
HideComputer.exe -h
Note that you will have to restart the system for changes to take effect. Also it may take an hour or two for it to be effective across the network.
Here is the screenshot showing the usage of this tool. It shows Hiding Windows 8 computer on the network
HideComputer in Action
Release History
Version 1.5: 9th July 2013
Support for displaying current Hidden Status of your computer
Version 1.0: 10th May 2013
First public release of HideComputer
FREE Download Hide Computer v1.5

License  : Freeware
Platform : Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8

See Also