Exposing the Password Secrets of Digsby -
Exposing the Password Secrets of Digsby
See Also
About Digsby
Digsby is is one of the popular instant messenger of recent times with IM client, Email Notification & Social Networking all in one software.

Digsby has a multi protocol IM client that lets you chat with all your friends on AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber with one buddy list.It has an email notification tool that alerts you of new email and lets you perform quick actions.

For latest info on Digsby IM password location, decryption & recovery methods, please visit
How to Recover Forgotten Password of Digsby Messenger?
Its social networking feature lets you manage all your feeds from popular social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook etc at one place while you are chatting with your friends.
Digsby Password Storage Location
Like most instant messengers, Digsby also stores the user account details including passwords in the local repository for subsequent logins so that user do not have to enter the password every time. Note that the password is stored only if user has selected 'Save Password' at login time.

Latest versions of Digsby (Build 83 - r28550 as of this writing) stores main account password in the 'logininfo.yaml' file at following location,
[Windows XP]
C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Digsby

[Windows Vista & Windows 7]
Earlier versions of Digsby used to save the password in the 'Digsby.dat' file at following location,
[Windows XP]
C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\Application Data\Digsby

[Windows Vista & Windows 7]
Here is the typical format (taken from logininfo.yaml) in which account name & encrypted password is stored for each stored user account.
? !python/unicode diguser
password: !binary |

autologin: False
save: True
username: !python/unicode diguser
Here the "username:" & "password:" for each account is listed and they can appear in any sequence. Also 'save:' field indicates if the password for this account is stored or not. Digsby encrypts the password for better security and encodes it with BASE64 before storing it into above file.

Note that Digsby stores only main IM account password locally and all other IM account passwords (such as Yahoo, Gmail, AIM) are stored on the server.
Internals of Digsby Password Encryption
As mentioned above, Digsby uses special algorithm to encrypt the main account password which is stored in BASE64 format in the password file. Once you retrieve the encoded password, decode it using BASE64 algorithm. Resulting text is nothing but encrypted password with the same length as original plain text password. So merely decoding the password, you will come to know about the length of password.

It uses Product ID, OS Install Date & Digsby Username combination to generate unique hash which is later used in encryption of the password.

Though this encryption appears to be specific to system, one can easily use current system's product id & install date and perform offline password recovery on different system. This is especially useful and typical case with forensic scenarios.
Digsby Password Decryption Operation
Here are the detailed steps for decrypting the encrypted Digsby account password.
1.Retrieve and Decode the stored Password
As mentioned earlier, Digsby stores the account password in 'logininfo.yaml' file. You need to retrieve the Digsby username & associated password from this file. Then use the BASE64 algorithm to decode it and get the encrypted password.

Username & associated password per account start with unique identifier "username:" & "password:" respectively.
2. Get the Product ID & Install Date from the Registry
Digsby uses local Product ID & Install Date information along with Digsby username to generate the unique Hash. These information is present at following registry location,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

DigitalProductId REG_BINARY
InstallDate REG_DWORD
DigitalProductId is a binary array where as InstallDate is a integer. You need to convert the InstallDate to string format before using it.

On 64 bit systems, the above key is present in the 64 bit hive only. Hence you need to use flag KEY_WOW64_64KEY for 'Desired Access' to correctly read above registry values. I was scratching my head for half a day to figure out why my simple registry function is not able to read it.
3. Generate 'One String' using Product Id, Install Date & Username.
Now simply combine Product ID, Install Date & Digsby username in that order to form one complete string.
4. Compute SHA1 Hash using Cryptography Functions
Next compute SHA1 hash for the above generated string. Here is the complete code example to create SHA1 hash using Windows Cryptography Functions.
BOOL GetSHA1Hash(char *buffer, DWORD dwBufferSize, char *strSHA1Hash, int dwStrSize)
DWORD dwStatus = 0;

BYTE rgbHash[20];
DWORD cbHash = 0;

// Get handle to the crypto provider
printf("%s CryptAcquireContext failed, Error=0x%.8x", __FUNCTION__, GetLastError());
return FALSE;

if (!CryptCreateHash(hProv, CALG_SHA1, 0, 0, &hHash))
printf("%s CryptCreateHash failed, Error=0x%.8x", __FUNCTION__, GetLastError());
CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
return FALSE;

if (!CryptHashData(hHash, (const BYTE*) buffer, dwBufferSize, 0))
printf("\n%s CryptHashData failed, Error=0x%.8x", __FUNCTION__, GetLastError());

CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);
return FALSE;

cbHash = 20;
if (CryptGetHashParam(hHash, HP_HASHVAL, rgbHash, &cbHash, 0) == FALSE)
printf("%s CryptGetHashParam failed, Error=0x%.8x", __FUNCTION__, GetLastError());
CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);


printf("********** %s Computed SHA1 hash (length=%d) successfully ", __FUNCTION__, cbHash);

//Success, now copy the final SHA1 hash to input buffer
memcpy(strSHA1Hash, rgbHash, cbHash);

CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0);

return TRUE;
On successful completion, we get the SHA1 hash which is of 20 bytes. This hash is used as the key for decryption of main Digsby password.
5. Decrypt the Digsby Password using SHA1 key
Here we will use the previously generated SHA1 hash to decrypt the encrypted password.

The below code generates new hash of size 256 bytes from the SHA1 hash.
BYTE b, d =0;
BYTE num, bTemp, bHash;
BYTE newHashData[256];

for(i=0; i<256; i++)

for(i=0, j=0; i<256; i++)
  bTemp = num = newHashData[i];

  bHash = byteSHA1Hash[j];

  num = num + bHash;
  num = num + d;
  num = num & 0xff;

  d = num;

  b = newHashData[d];
  newHashData[i] = b;
  newHashData[d] = bTemp;

  j = j+1;
  if(j >= 20) j=0;

Finally it uses newly generated hash ('newHashData') to successfully decrypt the earlier decoded password ('byteDecPassword') from the file in Step 1.
//check out this thing
BYTE s=1;
BYTE x=0, c;

//byteDecPassword = based64 decoded password from the file
//dwDecPasswdLen = length of decoded password

//main password decryptor loop

  bTemp = newHashData[s];
  x = x + bTemp;
  x = x & 0xFF;
  b = newHashData[x];

  newHashData[s] = b;
  newHashData[x] = bTemp;

  s = s + 1;
  s = s & 0xFF;

  b = b + bTemp;
  b = b & 0xFF;

  c = newHashData[b];

  //decrypted password stored at same location
  byteDecPassword[i] = byteDecPassword[i] ^ c;


while( dwDecPasswdLen > 0 );

//null terminate the password string

printf("Decrypted password is %s", byteDecPassword);

In each stage of the loop, each encrypted character from decoded password is decrypted and put back into the same location. At the end, variable byteDecPassword will contain the final decrypted Digsby password.

Now here is the interesting thing, Guess the name for above algorithm and get your name printed here !
Recovering Digsby Password
DigsbyPasswordDecryptor is a dedicated tool to recover account passwords stored by Digsby. It can automatically detect the correct secret password file based on installed version of Digsby and then decrypt all the stored account passwords on the fly.
DigsbyPasswordDecryptor is a portable tool which does not require installation and work across wide range of platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 7. You can also use our other tool, IMPasswordDecryptor to recover the Digsby passwords along with other instant messenger passwords.
Above article explains in detail how Digsby stores the account password using its own proprietary encryption algorithm and shows how one can manually decrypt such password to recover the original password.

Note that above decryption process is based on latest version of Digsby Messenger (Build 83 - r28550) and it may change with upcoming versions of the Messenger.
See Also